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Funded research projects

Title of project


Funding agency

Grant (INR)

Major Equipment/Software purchased


Indo German Partnership in Climate and Water Research on Influence of regional climate change on the groundwater resilience in selected urban regions 2020-2024 University Grants Commission 2,05,00,000/- Exchange visits by Scholars, Post Docs and Faculty Co-Investigator

(PI Prof K Palanivelu, India;              Dr K Brindha, Germany)

Field and laboratory investigation to understand the temporal variation between groundwater level and fluoride: Managed Aquifer Recharge for mitigation 2019-2022 Science and Engineering Research Board, Govt. of India 47,45,600/- UV Visible Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu), Weather Station, Automatic Water Level Indicator Principal Investigator
Unravelling submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) zones along the Indian subcontinent and its island (Mission SGD) 2019-2020 Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India 9,55,000/- Hanna multi parameter probe Co-Investigator
Hydrogeological interventions for flood mitigation and augmentation of groundwater recharge (WATER-IC for SUTRAM of Water) 2018-2023 Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India 58,09,164- Multiparameter water quality probe (YSI-PRO DSS) Principal Investigator (Collaborative project with IITM) (Prof K Sivaraj is the PI since June 2022)
Modelling of radionuclide transport in groundwater around Gogi uranium mining and tailings pond area 2018-2021

BRNS, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India

60,00,000/- Ion chromatograph with auto sampler (Metrohm)

Principal Investigator

Riverbank filtration through challenging geological formations for rural water supply in south India 2018-2020 Indo-German (DST-DAAD) Collaborative Project 6,56,000/-


Indian Principal Investigator
Assessment of vulnerability of coastal aquifers to climate change by groundwater modelling in Chennai Region 2017-2020 Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India 61,99,028/- FEFLOW FM H3 with Ifm MIKE 11 and MIKE SHE software Principal Investigator
Innovative models for assessment of water quality in coastal aquifers 2017-2020 Indo-Italy Collaborative Project (DST) 7,07,359/-


Indian Principal Investigator
Enhancement of groundwater recharge by soil ventilation 2016-2019 Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India 24,39,000/- Piezometer (Solinest), Weather Station, Automatic Water Level indicator, Conductivity meter Principal Investigator
Impact of projected climate change on groundwater resources 2015-2017 University Grants Commission BSR Mid-Career Award 7,00,000/- DO/EC/pH Meter Principal Investigator
Mitigation strategies to counteract seawater intrusion 2013-2015 Indo-German (DST-DAAD) Collaborative Project 3,24,000/-


Indian Principal Investigator
Environmental impact seawater intrusion on coastal aquifers and groundwater quality-DRS – Phase III 2013-2018 University Grants Commission 70,00,000/- Scanning Electron Microscope, Magnetic susceptibility meter Co-coordinator
Hydrogeochemistry of surface water and groundwater along Cauvery River 2012-2024 Indian Space Research Organisation 1,21,20,000/- Auto titrator Titrando (Metrohm), Spectrophotometer, CO2 analyser (LI-COR), Flame photometer, Water level indicator, MIKE SHE River modelling software Principal Investigator

(Prof K Sivaraj is the PI since June 2022)

Hydrogeological studies of the proposed uranium mining site, Gogi region, Karnataka, India 2012-2016

BRNS, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India

31,25,050/- LED Laser Fluorimeter(Quantalase), Photometer

Principal Investigator

SAPH PANI - Enhancement of natural water systems and treatment methods for safe and sustainable water supply in India 2011-2014 European Commission Seventh Framework Programme - FP7 Collaborative Project 1,61,43,369/- Discrete interval sampler, Piezometer, Water quality probe (Eureka), Multi-level groundwater monitoring system Co-Chair and WP2 Task leader/Principal Investigator

Seawater-fresh water dynamics and identification of measures to prevent seawater intrusion in alluvial aquifers north of Chennai by groundwater modelling


Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India

29,82,000/- Trace Metal Analyser(Metrohm)

Principal Investigator

Managed aquifer recharge: Evaluation of the impact of check dam


Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India

22,60,000/- Automatic water level indicator

Scientific Mentor 

(Ms S.Parimala Renganayaki, Principal Investigator)

Rock water interaction and its implication on high fluoride in groundwater of Dharmapuri district, Tamil Nadu


University Grants Commission

7,67,000/- Fluoride meter

Principal Investigator

Groundwater prospects identification in alluvial terrain using heat capacity and land subsidence studies


Indian Space Research Organisation

13,25,000/- Thermal Infrared Instrument, GPS

Principal Investigator

Assessment of inherent toxicity of certain rock types and its impact on environment


University Grants Commission - Centre with Potential for Excellence in Environmental Science

1,00,00,000/- Ground Penetrating Radar (SSS Pulse EKKO PRO), Particle size analyser(Maveren),  Submersible groundwater pump (Grundfos)

Project Coordinator

Hydrogeological characterisation, groundwater flow and transport modelling at Lambapur, Peddagattu uranium mining areas and Seripalli tailings pond area, Andhra Pradesh


BRNS, Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India

55,94,583/- Automatic water level recorder, Quality monitoring probes, Water level indicators, Hand augers, Resistivity Imaging system (ABEM)

Principal Investigator

Environmental geochemistry of groundwater in unconsolidated sediments – DRS – Phase II


University Grants Commission

46,50,000/- CHNSO, Hydrogological software


Subsurface characterisation and shallow subsurface modelling


Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India

11,92,000/- Ion Specific Electrodes

Principal Investigator

Water quality assessment in the tsunami affected coastal areas of Tamil Nadu -Kalpakkam


Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India



Principal Investigator

Geomorphic controls on groundwater flow regime, and numerical modelling in coastal tract of Palar River basin – DRS – Phase I


University Grants Commission

36,00,000/- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer


Environmental Science – Potential for Excellence Scheme


University Grants Commission

70,00,000/- Hydrus3D,
Resistivity software, FEFLOW 3D software, GMS software, Soil PARA, Sutra with Argus, Aquachem, Aquifer test


Indo-Russia Research Project on Development of a risk analysis tool for pesticide and nutrient pollution of groundwater in irrigated regions


Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and Russian Academy Sciences



Principal Investigator

Effect of geological formations on movement of solutes


All India Council for Technical Education


GMS software, Automatic water level recorder, Portable computer

Principal Investigator

Strategies for prevention of groundwater and coastal pollution for surface applied chemicals


Australian Research Council


Exchange visits - PI and Research fellow

Indian Coordinator

Solute budget approach for modelling groundwater  quality


Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

7,00,000/- Permeameter

Principal Investigator

Hydrogeological investigations in Landslide regions of Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu



Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India

15,00,000/- Desktop computers, Piezometers, Resistivity meter (Anvic)


Impact of irrigated agriculture on groundwater quality


British Geological Survey


Multilevel piezometers and pesticide analysis



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